Book your guided tour

Van Gogh “Grandeur Nature”

We offer you an immersive experience of a natural site that is deeply linked to the final painting of “Tree Roots” but also the last days and weeks of the painter.

You will be invited to follow the last steps of the famous painter on an old path reopened to the public after more than 130 years. A path used to go from the center of the village to the fields in ancient times.  You will travel through these woods, last living witnesses and protector of the site for more thant 130 years. Through the trees you will travel back in time and imagine this site that dramatic day of July 27, 1890 but also discover the works and life of the great painter. These woods are the last living witnesses but also a heritage location and a site of “Hommage” to the people who took care of the painters legacy and work.

8 stops lead you to the wheat fields on the steps of the work and life of Van Gogh. 8 stops with 8 panels thoroughly checked by the head researchers of the Van Gogh  Museum  (Teio Meddendorp and Luis van Tilborgh) with wich we have been working since the discovery. You will need to walk “300 steps” and walk back to the rue Daubigny. You will also need about half an hour to walk through these woods and to hear the story with height stops.

The program through 8 panels
1. A timeline of the discovery 2012 – 2022
2. The painting and the site : analysis and discovery
3. More than a last painting : explanations and elements of understanding
4. A panorama on Auvers. Acacias painted by Van Gogh, more than a tree, a symbol
5. Vincent and Nature : the oxygene of the painter
6. Facing the Wheat fields /  Vincents last stand.
7. The legacy of a great painter / The men and women who made it possible for us to know the painter.
8. Happiness and Joy : the real legacy of the painter to the world.

You will need about half an hour to go through the wood and stop at the eight panels with the explanations of your guide. All visits are guided to keep the site as it was when discovered and protect the nature.

Adress : 46 Rue Daubigny, 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise
Price per person (+12 years old) : 8 €
Visit duration : ~30 mn